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torsdag 1 december 2011

My Ghost Story

This happened the night my parents were at a party. I stayed home because I had to go out with our dog Batman. My parents sad goodbye and left home, they sad if there was something  happening I could call them.

I decided to go out for a walk whit Batman. So I locked the door and we went out to the park. I took off his leash and threw a stick and he picked it back to me. When I threw it once more it landed in a big bush. He ran for it but then he didn't come back, he just disappeared. I tried to call on him but nothing happened. He was gone! 

I decided to run home and call my parents so they could come home and help me search for Batman. I got really scared and worried.
But when I was on my way home i heard a dog bark. It was Batman! I knew it, I could feel it. I could not hear where the bark came from, but then i heard him bark again and I look up. And there he stood in the middle of the road in the rain. I was so relieved to see him. 
He looked straight into my eyes. Batman looked so happy to see me and he started to run towards me. 

Out from nowhere came a big truck! Batman never maded off the road so the truck hit him. I just heard a big crash. I got terrified and my heart stopped beat. I ran as fast as i could to the him. He just lied lifeless there under the truck and he didn’t breath. It felt like a nightmare. He just lied there dead on the road in the rain. I ran home to call my parents, I couldn't handle this on my own. I was upset. The picture of Batman lied dead on the middle of the road maked me cry.

When I unlocked the door and went in to the living room Batman lied in his basked. When he saw me he was happy. I’ve got shocked. I saw him gets hit by the bit truck just a minutes ago. 
He looked straight into my eyes and in that moment I understood that it was something special about my dog...

3 kommentarer:

  1. OMG, I loved it!!!!!
    The story was awesome!!! <3

  2. A very good story! Good word knowledge and language!

    You find more comments in Unikum.

  3. Jag hade som mål att förbättra mig i engelska fri-skrivning.
    Jag blev mycket nöjd med min text och tycker att jag blir bättre och bättre.
    Jag ska fortsätta öva vidare med med detta genom att skriva fler texter.
