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torsdag 22 september 2011

E-mail to Sarah

Hi Sarah!

Tanks for your E-mail it’s nice to her from you. I understand that you have mutch to do. 
Me and the gang are really missing you, specially yesterday when we where at the tivoli. We miss your laugh. 
We have one new girl in our class, Rachel. We have become good friends, I hope that we all could meet someday. Rachel is just as crazy as you are!

When we meet we have to do all the fun things that we used to befour you moved, do you remember when we where at Laserdom and we won against the big, tough boys, we kicked there asses!! We have to do that again, if they dare. It was so fun!
Please my dearest friend, I will always keep my computer on because I wait for you to answer my E-mail.
It always gonna be you and me forever// Love Jen

2 kommentarer:

  1. Your e-mail where really good. It's fun and interesting to read it, nice work Love Hedda

  2. A nice and "chatty" mail! Good word knowledge and fluency!

    ...nice to hear....
    ...have much to do....
    ...miss your laughter...
    ..that we used to do before...
    ... at Laserdome...
